First of all we appreciate that You want to work with Us and use our Audio Mastering services.
Our success togheter depends on clear communication and expectation.
I've tried to keep this section of the website as clear and easy to understnd as possible.
We are extremely proud of our transparency when offering our services.
Please feel free to contact us if any of our policy cause issue for you.
By hiring Us for Our services, you agree to the terms in this document.
MasterYourTrack.com provides artits and record labels with professional audio mastering, audio restoration and educationl contents.
Our final goal and mission is to empower artists to fulfill their dreams.
MasterYourTrack.com provides:
professional audio mastering services
audio restoration services
audio mastering and mixing educationl contents and tuitions
PROMISE: We want all our clients to be 100% satified with our services. We always perform high-quality work and we promise we quickly correct any issue under our control.
SERVICES: All the services are provided uppon your request and after the payment is made. After reviewing your files We will contact you if We feel there are issues or additional services are needed.
TURNAROUND TIME: Our tournaround is tipically 5 working days for a Single, longer for EPs, Albums and Compilations. The delivery of the final masters depends on: the complexity of the job, the position on our queque and the number of revision and formats requested. We always prioritise quality. If you have a specific deadline please feel free to contact us and wel'll try to accommodate you needs.
ISSUES: We commit to complete all our work on-time and on-budget. Only something completely out of our control can prevents us form do it. Fortunately this never happend before, but in this case we cannot be held liable for completion of services under the terms specified or for any financial loss, damage.
Our success togheter depends on clear communication therfore:
All the communication shall be between Us and ONE PERSON in Your team (the designated responsible of the project).
All revisions MUST be communicated ONLY VIA E-MAIL. Having the revisions in writing form avoids confusion.
You will prepare all the files for submission according to our guidelines in the highest possible quality without any additinal processing or upsampling. (For more info please visit our F.A.Q. and if you are in need feel free to CONTACT US, we're always happy to help).
You will provide all the info. needed to accomplish the job.
If you have a specific deadline you must tell us in advance, so We can accordingly schedule your session.
You will promptly reply to our communications (withing 48 hours). Faliure to reply to our communications withing 48 hours meand that the project is considered finished.
You will credit our work to any media (E.G. video description, website, cover art, etc.) - pease see 'CREDITS' section below.
You agree to the following schedule when making payments to Master Your Track:
FORM: You fully fill out booking form with all the relevant information. On the form you will find all the prices which already include VAT.
PAYMENT via PayPal: We accept payment via PayPal and all the major credit and debit cards. In this case You will receive an automatic e-mail with the invoice and a link to send us all the files.
PAYMENT via bank transfert: We accept bank transfert payments only when previously agreed. In this case We will send you an invoice uppon request. We will pomptly get in touch to You provide the upload link to send us files.
WE WILL NOT beging performing any service until payment has been received and you have provided with all the files and correct instruction.
DELIVERY: We will deliver high-resolution files after your orded is paid in full.
WE WILL NOT personally retain any of Your payment details.
You have to promptly communicate any cancellation of service and refund request in writing by e-mail. Refunds are not possible if we already started processing your files.
A project si considered completerd when either:
We have received your approval
We have delivered high-resolution files and 48 hours has passed since we lat heard from you
Additinal work:
Any futher request will be considered 'additional work' and is subject to out standard hourly rate
You are responsible to backup Your files. We are not responsible for any data loss after a project has been belivered
Please credit our service as one of the following:
Mastered by Manuel Scaramuzzino at Master Your Track Studio
Mastering Engineer: Manuel Scaramuzzino
You guarantee that you hold he full legal right to use all media/tracks/songs that You give to Us and that it doesn't violate any law/rights/copyrights.
If You are not the right owner of the media/track/songs submitted to Us, You ensure You have the permission by the owner to use, manipulate, modify and master it.
You hereby indemnify and hold Us harmless for any loss, damage, or liability for any infringement of any rights arising from the use/sale/licensing of audio/visual material that You provide to Us.​
All the contents of Our website are provided for Your pensonal education only.
All the contents of Our website are suject to Copyright and may not be copied, reproduces, rebroadcast, or commmercially exploited in all or any part.
We perform Our services in a profesional manner and according to the industry stantrds.
All warranties, express or implied, including any warranties of fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability and non-infringement, are hereby disclaimed.
For any equiris please feel free to contact us via the contact form.
In this session, you can find Master Your Track's Privacy Policy.
We take your privacy very seriously and will only use your personal information to provide the products and services you requested.
Please read our Privacy Policy on this website to see how we protect and manage your data.
We collect your personal information only for the following purposes: send you promos and news about our services, audio data exchange, and invoicing.
We will use your personal information only for the purpose specified on point 1 and for other compatible purposes.
We will retain your personal information as long as necessary for the fulfilment of those purposes.
We will collect personal information by lawful and fair means and, where appropriate, with the knowledge or consent of the individual concerned.
Personal data should be relevant to the purposes for which it is to be used, and, to the extent necessary for those purposes, should be accurate, complete, and up-to-date.
We will protect personal information by reasonable security safeguards against loss or theft, as well as unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, and use or modification.
Before or at the time of collecting personal information, we will identify the purposes for which information is being collected.
When ordering you will be asked to provide certain types of information such as your Name, Surname, Address, Company Name, VAT, e-mail. Without this information, your order cannot be processed, shipped or billed. By submitting our forms and using our services, you acknowledge that the information you provide will be transferred to POWr, Wix, Mediafire, WeTransfer, PayPal, and Ecwid for processing in accordance with their Privacy Policy and Terms. (For further information please check related websites: www.mediafire.com - www.wetransfer.com - www.powr.io - www.paypal.com- www.wix.com - www.ecwid.com). We will not sell, share, nor rent this information to any other third party marketer without your express knowledge and consent as outlined in this statement. Customer information may be shared with our parent company, subsidiary or merger partner. We are committed to conducting our business in accordance with these principles in order to ensure that the confidentiality of personal information is protected and maintained.
We will make readily available to customers information about our policies and practices relating to the management of personal information.
After completion of our services you allow us to publish a short audio sample (under 1 minute) "before" and "after" of your songs/tracks for our portfolio and promotion purposes. If you disagree with this please let us know in writing and we weill remove your songs/tracks from our player.